Welcome to the Dragon's Pen, the blog of an aspiring kiwi author ... chatting about reading, writing, querying and publishing

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holiday Reading

I've really been enjoying the holidays (apart from all the extra hours I've been doing at my day job). I haven't done much writing, but actually it's been really nice to have a break and I'm really looking forward to getting back into it.

While I haven't been writing, I've been spending all my spare moments with my nose buried in a book - lots of books actually.

I read and blogged about my foray into the mysteries of Vanda Symons, one of my favourite NZ authors. You can read them here.

I then poked about in a couple of anthologies of short fantasy fiction, namely The Fairfolk and ... whoops, can't remember the title of the other. You'll just have take my word for it.

Turning my attention back to YA fantasy, I re-read Stephenie Meyers Twilight, discovered Stuart Hill's Cry of the Icemark (a great read if you love fantastical creatures, magic, mythology and great battles. It's the story of a young Queen determined to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of her kingdom), and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Yes, it took me a while to get round to it, but I've finally read it.

For a change of scene I then dived back into a couple adult mysteries. Sign of the Cross by Chris Kuzneski is a great read. Kuzneski weaves myth, religion, history and mystery into a gritty and intriguing tale. A reviewer had this to say, "Kuzeski's writing has the same raw power as the early Steven King." I look forward to reading a few more of his books.

The one I'm reading now, The Conjuror's Bird by Martin Davies is captivating. A wonderful, light read that mixes history and mystery in a tale centred around the illusive "Mysterious Bird of Ulieta" which was once owned by the great 18th Century naturalist Joseph Banks who sailed with Captain Cook. I highly recommend it.

What wonderful books did you discover these holidays?

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