Welcome to the Dragon's Pen, the blog of an aspiring kiwi author ... chatting about reading, writing, querying and publishing

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crawling Back

I feels like it has been ages, but I'm finally, slowly, dragging step by dragging step, getting back into the writing.

My medical issues, looming surgery and the earthquake that shook Christchurch last month really shook me out of my writing zone. Meanwhile the Muse escaped out the back door and has refused to return, which hasn't helped matters. It is frustrating, but my head just hasn't been in the right place to write.

My critique group met again last week which forced me to face the MS and tackled the next chapter for submission.

This week the other writing group I attend is holding one of their three annual competitions. I haven't had time to write anything new and the Muse is stubbornly hiding somewhere, so I dusted off, tweaked and re-worked a couple of stories I'd written awhile ago and submitted those. It can't hurt and I have to confess they needed the work.

It's amazing what time can do for a piece of writing. It does wonders to show up glaring typos and generally ugly sentences that were simply "hidden" before.

I've been doing a bit of reading and have been enjoying the pace and taste of a couple of historical novels.

Prophecy by M K Hume, which I really liked. My friend reviewed the book for our local newspaper and passed it on to me. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for the next books in the trilogy and for her Arthurian series.

Bernard Cornwell's Harlequin, which I'm reading and devouring on the recommendation of another friend. I'm really like the brisk, quick, detailed action of the story.

Have you read any good books lately?


  1. Great to see you back in the blogosphere. Here's hoping your Muse will return soon - roaring to go after a restorative break!

    Have I read any good books lately?
    Prophcy - of course, and I've just finished a children's book - I, Coriander by Sally Gardner. A great melding of history and fairy tale. One you will love I'm sure.

    Here's wishing you lots of great reads while you recuperate from surgery.

  2. How are you doing? Hope to see you back in the blogosphere soon. Miss your lovely posts! :)

  3. Hi Joanne. Thanks for the encouragement. Still reading lots of books. I go in for my op tomorrow.
    I've got quite a few weeks off work following this so hoping I'll find time to write as well as do a bit more reading. Thanks to friends I have a big stack of books to keep me out of mischief while I recuperate.
