Welcome to the Dragon's Pen, the blog of an aspiring kiwi author ... chatting about reading, writing, querying and publishing

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Writing Tip #1

I thought it might be fun to periodically post a writing tip on the blog and share a little inspiration. A couple of weeks ago, the home work for our Writing Workshop was to come up with a list of writing tips and ideas for overcoming writer's block. I thought I'd share them with you.

Here's tip number One:

Points of View

Once you have an idea for a story and have decided what length it will be (are you writing a novel, a novelette, a short short or something shorter still), it's time to think about the point of view you will write from. Sometimes, as you begin to write the story will decide for itself, other times you need to make a conscious choice. We have four perspectives to choose from.

1st Person - this is told from an "I" perspective as if you were narrating the story.
Fury contorted Rob's expression. "I'll get you!" He swore.
I ducked. His fist whistled passed my ear. Gritting my teeth, I lurched at him. My fist buried itself in the soft flesh of his belly. The air exploded from his lungs in a guttural grunt. Stepping away, I watch with brutal satisfaction as he crumbled at my feet.

2nd Person - this is told as if the "you" are an invisible narrator explaining the character's story.
You cross the room to the window. Jerking it closed you scowl at the leaves littering the carpet. "I shouldn't have bothered to vax." You grumble.

(Personally I dislike this style. I find it awkward to write and uncomfortable to read.)

3rd Person - this is told as if events occur in the present tense from their, the characters, perspective.
Outside the wind whistled around the house, rattling the shutters, and tapping at the windows. Lucy huddled under her covers, her throat tight with fear. The curtains stirred casting ghastly moonlit shadows on the wall.

3rd Person Omniscient - This is often called the God Perspective as if the narrator knows everything. Though this is similar to the normal third person perspective, in this form a story is told to the reader rather than experienced by them.
Jilly kicked a stone and watched it bounce along the path ahead of her. She hated school. She hated home. She didn't want to be at either place. She hunched her shoulders and shoved her fists deeper into her pockets. "Life sucks," she said. The stone didn't say anything. She booted it again. It leapt into the air and landed with the splash in the puddle.

These examples have been quickly rattled off, but they should give you the general idea.

I know that for some of you this is extremely elementary stuff, but it never hurts to review things, and some of you may find this helpful. It may even inspire you to try a style that's outside your comfort zone. I hope so. Happy writing!

1 comment:

  1. Pen you simply must read PJ O'Rourke's review on the guide to bias free writing - I link to it on my blog. Funniest thing I have read in a long time - great tummy muscle workout!
