Welcome to the Dragon's Pen, the blog of an aspiring kiwi author ... chatting about reading, writing, querying and publishing

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Being Recharged

In the hard slog that is writing ... or in my case at the moment, editing ... we can become a bit weary and jaded by the whole process. The doubts, the negative thoughts and the impatience creep in.

"It is such a LONG process. It'll never be good enough and what happens if, in the end, the publishers don't like it?" And on and on. Blah, blah, blah...

I admit, I do get a bit impatient at the editing stage (Oh, I guess I did in the writing stage too, didn't I?). Lets face it. I'm just impatient. I want the book to be ready and perfect - now. No. Not now. Yesterday!

But life doesn't work like that and neither does writing.

Last night, at a meeting of the DWW (a local writing group), the wonderful and charming Vanda Symon came to speak to us about her books. She talked heaps, which was awesome, and shared a lot about her journey to publishing, what it was like to write a series and various other bits and pieces. Lots of great stuff. It was hugely encouraging.

I came home feeling like a fire had been lit under me.

The passion is back. I want this. I REALLY want this.

The dream hadn't faded. It'd just got a little rumbled and buried under all the crap that crawled in and sat on it, namely the doubt and impatient frustration.

So thanks Vanda for honestly sharing your enthusiasm for what you do.

It may sounds crazy, but it's great to meet published authors and discover just how awfully normal they are! It's wonderfully encouraging to find that most of them are just like me. They have families and naughty kids and issues and are terrible housekeepers (note: I'm not talking about Vanda here, just making general comments! :D) and some have smelly dogs and others have lazy cats, but they all write because they LOVE it.

Just like me!


  1. It was a pleasure talking to your group, and you asked great questions.

    Glad it has spurred you on!

    (BTW. I am a terrible housekeeper.)

  2. LOL Vanda! Me too - semi-organized chaos is the order of the day in my house.

  3. Writing in one door - housework out the other! I don't see any other way to make it work. Free housekeepers for writers could be written into the next budget. Mmmm, who holds the Art and Culture Portfolio? Think I'll run it by her/him.

  4. I agree.

    When I hit walls in writing, I like to take a creative writing class or find a good local writer's group. It really helps me to renew my creative energy and get a fresh perspective on my works.

    All it takes is the right phrase at the right time to spark another wildfire of writing energy. I'm also constantly amazed at how the simple act of reading an amazing sentence or chapter of someone's work can provoke me to want to write something awesome.

    And while I'm in the rut, I just try to remember that this too will pass, and the passion and love for writing will be there waiting when it does.
